Health preserved, at home or at the office

The MOVEOSEAT® meets 4 essential functions to  keep or regain a healthy back: mobility, strengthening, proprioception and relaxation. They  are recommanded by the French National Authority for Health to address the problem of back pain and more.

More than a seat, the MOVEOSEAT® is a real active ergo-dynamic seating outcome the medical research and the Center of Search and Development of Satisform®.  Its use is both done on a preventive plan than a therapeutic plan.


More than a seat, the MOVEOSEAT® is a real active ergo-dynamic seating.

The MOVEOSEAT® favors a soft mobility of the pelvis and back in order to avoid contractures occasionned during prolonged sitting. It reduces existing tensions. The relaxation is immediate from the first minutes of use.

It requires raising the upper body, which reduces visceral compression, releases breathing and raise awareness of the respiratory and digestive facilitators postures. Its action reinforces the paravertebral muscles and the abdominal belt for a greater support and a better posture.

The balance and proprioceptive ability are greatly improved, making the MOVEOSEAT® an ally in the prevention of falls from one-level.

The MOVEOSEAT® generates a physical activity, effortlessly. It contributes to the prevention of  certain cancers. In addition, the allowed mobility fosters attention and stimulates thought.


The sitting position is no longer a constraint with the MOVEOSEAT®

The advantages of its MOVEOSEAT®

• Comfortable and stimulating

• Efficient and tested

• Compact and customizable

• Encourages movement to remain healthy

• Reduces existing tensions

• Prevents back pain and many problems related to inactivity/sedentarity lifestyle

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